Learning History Through A Timeline

One of the things I love most about the way we learn history is our Timeline Book. When I first read about the idea of a history timeline or book of centuries, I was kind of intimidated. I don’t remember much that I learned in history class growing up, so the idea of filling in blanks in a big book of empty dates was terrifying. How in the world was I going to teach my children history if I, myself, couldn’t tell you what happened when?!

When we used The Playful Pioneers last year, I found the idea of timeline cards. The original intent was to have one timeline card and create a big visual timeline somewhere on the wall - but I knew my kids would want to complete their OWN timeline cards, and I didn’t want two big visual timelines, so I came up with the idea of a Timeline Book.

Once a week, we cut a piece of cardstock into 4x6 pieces, choose something from our readings and add a year and a brief caption. The girls draw whatever they want to help them remember the tidbit and then we add it to their timeline books.

We use 4x6 “brag books” for storing printed photographs that I picked up at a thrift store. We don’t necessarily do the timeline cards in order - two weeks ago we added one for 1902, and today we made one for the Statue of Liberty in 1886. One of the reasons I do it this way, even though we are mostly learning history chronologically, is because it encourages them to go back through their books and review what’s already there. Sometimes they have to rearrange cards to make space for an older card - and it gives them a little glimpse of how we learn things over the years. As adults, we often looking back to different times in a nonsequential order. When I have them add a timeline card for a previous decade we’ve studied, it helps them make a connection between what we’ve just read and what we read about last year.

Because they loved this part of our week so much last year, I decided to continue with it this year as we shifted into using A Gentle Feast - and I’m so glad I did! We’ve been able to see how different life was in the late 1800s New York City compared to the life the Wilders were living on the prairie in the late 1800s.


This is one of their favorite activities - and I’m always so encouraged by how excited they get to add a new card to their books. They also love to show it off to anyone who comes to visit. I guess this makes sense - I mean, they’ve created their own really cool history picture books - why wouldn’t they want to share it with the world?

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Homeschooling 101: Creating a Schedule

This is probably one of the most common questions people ask me about homeschooling.

What does your schedule look like? How do you teach multiple different levels at the same time?

The hard work you did yesterday in listing your priorities and creating your vision will vastly help you in thinking about your homeschool schedule. I am sharing my schedule with you here, but it’s important to remember that I don’t work. I have a lot of hobbies, and I make time for them most days, but I don’t have to build in time in our homeschool days for specific work hours. If you’re one of the many parents who is trying to figure out how to juggle working and homeschooling, I hope these tips can help you in thinking about your own schedule - but that list of priorities and your homeschool vision will be critical in making a schedule actually work for you.

Our Schedule

The honest truth is, we don’t really have a “schedule.” We do have a daily routine, but that routine remains flexible each day, and there’s a certain ebb and flow to it depending on what’s happening in our family on any given day. One of the things I’ve learned over the last few years is that none of us work very well on sticking to a certain time table, so we instead create a routine and have a checklist, and mark off the things we’ve done each day. If anything is left undone, we move it to the next day in the week. I try to leave one day a week for “catch up.”

Now - are you ready for a really big secret about how we create that routine in our house?

We do it around food. Because let’s be real … everyone has to eat - several times a day. Instead of using meal and snack times as breaks from lessons, we do the opposite - we use those times as launching times for our lessons. And I’m always amazed at how much more engaged my kids are if they’re snacking on something. Our day goes something like this:

Wake up, individual play

We have a slow morning. The girls wake up when they wake up - sometimes that’s 6:30, other times it’s 8:00. Occasionally it’s even earlier. They know that until I’ve had my coffee, they have time to do whatever they’d like.

First Breakfast

This is an easy bowl of cereal, that happens soon after they first wake up. Most mornings, they fix it themselves, and it gives me the flexibility I need to drink coffee, read a few pages of my book, or do a little bit of writing. Most times this ends up being individual reading time, because they’ve gotten into the habit of always having a book next to them as they eat their cereal. Now they mostly read chapter books, but even before they could read, they would grab stacks of picture books to look at as they eat.

Free time

Depending on how early they wake up, after they’ve finished their cereal they have an hour or two of time to do whatever they’d like. We have a closet that has various activities in it - lots of puzzles, games, legos, playdough, blocks, magnet dress up dolls, etc. They also have free reign to craft supplies, and bookshelves full of books. A few times a week I’ll try to leave a certain activity or stack of books on our coffee table the night before. This entices them to explore it after their breakfast time, and it’s a way I sneak in some learning connected to other themes for the day or week.

Morning Chores

Around 9:00 every morning, it’s time to “Get Ready for the Day.” Several years ago we made a chore chart as part of one of our lessons, and it’s something they still use when thinking about what they need to do in the morning. We all use this time to get dressed, brush hair and teeth, make our beds, clean up our dirty clothes, start a load of laundry, tidy up our bedrooms, and then head back down the stairs for the start of our lessons. We’re working on shortening the amount of time this takes - sometimes they do it fairly quickly. Other times it takes an inordinate amount of time, and I have to entice them to finish up by promising them something to eat when they’re done. See? Food is the secret.

Morning Tea Time/Second Breakfast

This is the start of large chunk of together learning. I make them a second breakfast - usually it’s omelettes, scrambled eggs, cheese grits, or oatmeal. Something hearty that will fill their bellies so we can move on to a big chunk of learning for the day. As they are eating, I begin our read alouds for the day. Sometimes we listen to an audiobook, other times I read to them. Each lessons is short - most lessons last between 10-15 minutes, and no lesson is longer than 20 minutes at a time. If I can tell they’re getting antsy, we end sooner and move on to a different type of lesson. During this chunk of time, we do our main subjects together - Fables/Hero Tales, History, Geography, Literature, Natural History/Nature Study, Foreign Language, Bible, Music, Art Study, Composer Study. We don’t do every single subject every day. We typically do 3-4 subjects each morning - with each subject happening 2-3 times each week.

Morning Snack

Typically an hour and a half or so after they’ve eaten their second breakfast, they begin complaining about being hungry again, so we take a quick break between lessons and I put together a snack of fruit, raw veggies, nuts, cheese, or anything else I can find in my fridge. This is a quick grab and go snack - one that doesn’t take a lot of time. As they are munching on it, we move on to individual subjects. This is the only time that the girls are separated for their own levels. We do Math, Handwriting Instruction for the younger, Language Arts for the older (Handwriting practice, grammar, spelling), and Individual Reading Practice. I work with each of them directly for Math, and have differing levels of interaction with them for the other subjects during this time. These are subjects that happen daily, 4-5 times a week.

Free Time/Lunch/Quiet Time

When they finish their morning lessons, they have free time until lunch. Most days our lessons go right up to lunch time - but occasionally we finish and they have time to do whatever they’d like. Most days, I send them outside at this time until I get lunch prepared. If the weather is nice, I’ll bring lunch outside. After lunch they have more outside play time. Many days I’ll make them have a quiet time - a time when they have some down time in their rooms. Time when I say “I don’t want to see you for an hour, unless there’s an emergency.” As they get older, when the weather is nice outside, this quiet time is really more like outside free time. In the colder months, it’s mostly indoor quiet time, where they can listen to an audiobook, read a book, or play quietly in their room. I’ve found this hour or two to be crucial for my own wellbeing. It’s the time I use to do my own things - some days that’s cleaning, some days it’s writing or sewing, or doing some other hobby.

Afternoon Tea Time

Sometime Mid-Afternoon, we come back together for Afternoon Tea Time. The time of this changes based on what other afternoon activities we have going on that day. It typically happens 3-4 times a week - or at least that’s my goal! “Tea Time” doesn’t always mean we’ll have tea … it’s simply a fancy name for Snack Time. This chunk of time includes the lessons they do Virtually - Piano, Art (We use Chalk Pastels with Nana - more about that tomorrow), Typing, and various other apps or online games. Many days we’ll do Handicrafts during this block of time - especially in the colder or rainier months.

Afternoon Activities

Typically by 3:30 every day, our main day winds down and we start to get ready for extracurricular activities. Sometimes we do late afternoon playdates or nature walks. Some days we have nothing on the calendar and this time is simply free time. We try to not overschedule our late afternoons - I’ve found that we ideally need 2-3 days where there’s nothing on the calendar. As the girls get older and into more things, this gets harder to do - but we try to be intentional about creating open space in their days. I’ve found that the more open space I can give them, the more creative they tend to be - and the more individual learning I see happening.

Some Helpful Hints About Scheduling:

Don’t overschedule yourself.

It’s better to do less things and do them well than it is to cram too much into one day. Remember - you aren’t going to screw up your child’s education if you don’t get to every subject every day. They are going to learn and grow and excel. Be intentional in your scheduling and give yourself space.

Don’t be afraid of boredom.

Boredom Sparks Creativity. As parents we have a great desire to engage our children and make sure they’re always learning something - but the reality is, sometimes the best learning comes from an insane amount of free time. Think of your lessons as a way to spark imagination, and then give them lots of time to process and think on those lessons in their own way. I’m always so encouraged by watching my kids in their free time - so often they are busy creating something new, or imagining themselves in far away lands or historical times that we’ve been reading about. It’s absolutely okay for your kids to be bored. Build in time every day for that to happen. It may be hard at first, as they get used to it - especially for older kids - but in time, they’ll learn how to use that free time to create.

Be Flexible.

This is the ultimate rule in creating your schedule. The schedule I’ve shared with you here is my ideal schedule. It’s what our ideal day looks like. There are many days that look just like this. But there are also many days when we don’t get through the things I’d hoped we’d get through. Days when Morning Chores take an inordinate amount of time and it’s lunch time before we’ve even tackled Math and Reading. Days when we skip all morning lessons and move straight to individual lessons and free time, simply because someone didn’t sleep well and everyone feels off kilter. Days when we ditch the lessons to go play in the yard, because the weather is glorious and it’s been raining (or snowing) for weeks on end. Flexibility is key when everyone is at home all day every day. Your home is your safe space - it should be a place where everyone feels loved and comforted. Keep that in mind as you go through your days, and give yourself the grace and flexibility to not get it all done every single day.

Don’t let your schedule be the master of you, but instead, use it as a tool to help you create calm and beautiful days with each other.

More Homeschooling 101 here.

Photo by NORTHFOLK on Unsplash.

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/b_Qt9f2egBM

Homeschooling 101: Where Do I Start?

Several weeks ago my inbox was flooded with messages from frantic parents. The message was always something like this …

I think I’m going to have to homeschool this year. Can you help me figure out what to do?

So I put together a survey, and did a short Zoom call. Would you believe that up to this point, I had successfully avoided using Zoom during #corona?? But this seemed like a good reason to give in and go virtual. With parents all across America trying to figure out how to best set up their home environments for learning, I felt like maybe I had a few things to share. I promised to share much of that information in a blog series, so today I bring you Part One, with many other posts to follow this week.

I’m no expert in homeschooling, but after 4 years of trying to figure things out, I have learned a thing or two, and am happy to share what I know with those of you feeling overwhelmed and out of sorts. Whether you are feeling like you want to go all in with homeschooling, or your kids will be home for Virtual/Remote Learning, I hope this series of posts can give you some helpful hints and help you feel more at peace.

Let’s get started, shall we?

Homeschooling 101: Where Do I Start?

First of all, take a deep breath. You can do this. Remember that we are living in a unique time in our life. This is a historical time - we’ve never lived through something like this. Some of our great-grandparents may have experienced something similar back during the Spanish Flu of 1918, but the world was vastly different then. This is a temporary time in our lives. We will come out of it changed, for sure, but this year (or two, depending on how long it takes), will not ruin our children’s education. Or their socialization. So stop what you’re doing, and just breathe.

One of the best pieces of advice someone gave me 4 years ago was to not get caught up in the many years of education ahead of us, but to simply focus on making a decision for the most immediate school year. Every year circumstances change, and educational needs of each child change, and there may be a time when homeschooling doesn’t fit for one or both of our children. So we give ourselves a lot of flexibility to change things as needed. Many of you are looking at homeschooling for just one year, due to COVID-19, and this advice is crucial for you. Don’t stress about your child’s educational plan past this year. Focus only on this year ahead of you.

Now that you’re laser focused on just the 2020-2021 school year, sit down and list out your priorities and vision for your year together. Remember, these are YOUR priorities. The choice you make is 100% okay - this is a no judgment zone! Some questions to think about:

Do you have to work while also schooling your child? Do you have to go into an office? Do you have to work at home, and if so, is it a flexible schedule - or do you have certain hours?

If you have to work do you have people that can help while you work?

Does Virtual Learning through the school system mean your kids will be on the computer 5 hours a day instead of in a classroom? If so, is that something you’re okay with?

Do you have the freedom to forget about standardized education for a year and create something different?

Do you have babies or toddlers to care for in addition to school-aged children?

What do you want your days to look like? Do you want freedom in your days (and do you have the ability to create that freedom), or is it better for your family to have a stricter routine/schedule each day?

Once you’ve thought about your family priorities, sit down and create a Vision for your homeschool year. We choose to homeschool, year after year, because we want a different lifestyle than the one traditional schooling forces upon us. This year, many of us are forced into a different lifestyle, so if you have the freedom to stay home with your kids and a work schedule that can be flexible, I encourage you to think of this year as a year of living intentionally together. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to create a year of learning and a year of memories that you can look back on as a special time together - even in the midst of turmoil around our world.

I know I know …. but you’re worried about whether or not your kids will be able to transition back to public/private school after this year, right? Trust me on this … they will be fine. There are tons of studies that show that kids who are homeschooled transition just fine into a regular school setting - and many times they actually go back to school ahead of their peers. And besides that, listen to me when I say this …. this is ONE year. You are not going to completely screw up your kids’ education in one year.

Yes, you can do this. It’s going to be hard, but it’s going to be so rewarding in the end. I’m going to walk you through creating one of the most memorable years of your children’s childhood  - so take a step back, and just breathe. Nothing worth doing well is ever easy.

Today’s Assignments:

  1. List your Priorities

  2. Create a Vision

Then come back here tomorrow and we’ll talk about creating a schedule for your year of learning together.

More Homeschooling 101 here.

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash.

Creating a Homeschool Vision

If you asked me before I had children if I would one day stay home and homeschool them, I would have given you a very quick answer: “Absolutely not!” I have always been a huge supporter of public schools - after all, I grew up in a relatively poor, underperforming school, and I turned out just fine. I may not have been the smartest kid in the state, but I had an appreciation for people different than me - and I thought that was the most important thing about school. Of course I’ll send my kids to public school!

And yet when I had children, I couldn’t help but wonder what life might be like if we chose to homeschool. I’ve shared part of that story before - along with why we chose the Charlotte Mason philosophy to guide us in defining our curriculum over the years.

As we promised, we reassessed at the end of our first year, and made the decision to continue homeschool for the foreseeable future. This Charlotte Mason homeschooling life is so rich and full of beauty - and we just can’t imagine sending our children to learn in any other setting. That doesn’t mean there won’t come a time when we choose a year or more of public or private school - but for now, we are all in to this crazy homeschooling life.

There’s a lot of talk about “homeschool philosophies” - there’s even a quiz you can take to see what type of homeschooling model will fit you best. But there’s so much more to homeschooling than simply a philosophy. So, like any good visionary leader, I didn’t want to begin this all-in approach to homeschooling without a Vision and Mission Statement. Inspired by a sermon on “Family” this summer, I spent a good chunk of time trying to create a vision for homeschooling based around the following question:

How does homeschooling allow us to enter into the mission of Christ in a unique way?

I did a lot of brainstorming about why we wanted to homeschool, what our goals were for our homeschool days and years, and what our major influences were in creating curriculum and learning experiences. We want to homeschool because we long for a different pace of life than what we see in the world around us. We want family relationships to be more important than external ones. We want to engage in hard things together - to learn together - to love one another and the world around us.

We want our children to grow up to be confident but humble people. Independent but empathetic. Well-rounded Fine Arts lovers as well as mathmeticians and scientists. We want our children to see glimpses of God in the subjects that we study and the people that we meet.

After several days and lots of prayers, this is what we came up with for our homeschool vision.

Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. ~Philippians 4:8

Vision of Rowe Academy:

We will offer a different lifestyle than the one society pushes on us. We will embrace time together as a family. We will encourage tough conversations, forgiveness, encouragement, lifting one another up, cherishing our bonds with each other. We want our lives to illustrate our calling to live in this world but not of this world.

We will equip our children to become independent thinkers, with the ability to critically evaluate information they are given as well as empathize with people who live a lifestyle that may look different than their own.

We will enter into the mission of Christ in a way that the typical public school schedule does not. (We are still trying to figure out what this looks like. My dream is for us to find ways to engage in regular volunteering during the week, connecting with people who don’t look like us, being active in a community in an intergenerational way, etc.)

We will gift our children with an age-appropriate, faith-based, liberal arts education that spreads a feast of information. We will strive to craft a curriculum that acknowledges the importance of good literature, creativity, and art as well as science, math, and technology.

We will foster an environment of lifelong learning. We believe it’s just as important for the adults among us to engage in formal learning exercises as it is for the youth among us. We will engage in family learning activities, where we as parents model learning by example.

We’re nearing the “end” of our first formal year of schooling, and I love that I have this vision statement that I can turn to when I’m evaluating how the year went, and what I want to do differently next year. It’s incredibly helpful for me to keep it posted near my computer, so that when I plan each term, our vision stays front and center. Because we spent the time to create this big picture of what we want homeschooling to be about in our family, I feel more confident saying “NO” when opportunities arise that might not fit in with the vision we have for our children’s education.

This was a fun exercise for me, and one that I encourage you to spend some time thinking about in your own homeschool planning sessions. I’m no expert in homeschooling - but I am the closest thing to an expert in my family. And that, my friends, is all you need to come up with your own homeschooling vision.

So tell me … what IS your homeschool vision?

An Incredible Journey Begins

It’s 8:00pm. The kids have just gone to bed and my sweet husband is downstairs cleaning the kitchen. I tiptoe down the stairs, relishing the first calm and quiet of the day. I climb onto the barstool at the counter, take a deep breath, and throw out an idea I’ve been mulling over for a day or two.

“I have a crazy idea. You don’t have to say yes if you don’t want to … but you should want to.”

“Um, okay … what is it?”

“Well, I spend a lot of time teaching our children, right? Why don’t we spend some time teaching ourselves? We can use a mid-level curriculum from Ambleside, and set our own reading schedule. We can use the same Composer, Poet, Artist, and Geography lessons as I’m already using for the girls - and we can add in some higher level History and Literature. It’ll be fun!”

“Okay. Sure.”

“Wait. What? Okay? Really?! You’ll do it with me?!”

And just like that, we committed to not only educating our children at home, but also doing some intentional work on educating ourselves.

Our entire educational philosophy centers around the idea that “Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life.” (Charlotte Mason, Vol. 6) I’ve spent hours coming up with a curriculum and schedule that puts that philosophy into action for our children. An atmosphere of appreciating rich ideas. One in which we live a life slower than the one society tries to push on us. An atmosphere where we are learning from every little thing we do. An atmosphere that is God-focused and Christ-centered.

Discipline to do hard things. To try new things. To persevere in the midst of adversity. Grace to make mistakes, and then discipline to do the hard work of fixing those mistakes - or to do better the next time around. Discipline to form the habits we need to keep ourselves healthy - in mind, body, and soul.

A life that is continually growing, shifting, and learning something new. A life in which we are not afraid to be wrong - one where we intentionally engage in meaningful conversations and dialogue with others. A life where we are open to new ideas in a variety of subjects. A life in which we are not afraid to change our mind once we hear or read a story that enlightens us to a new point of view.

It came to me, one night as I was lying with my 4-year-old waiting for her to fall asleep … if that is the education we are striving to provide for our children - shouldn’t we be providing it for ourselves as well?

The truth is, I have always loved learning. You know how when you ask most kids what they love most about school, they answer “Recess or P.E.”? Well, those were my least favorite. My favorite part of school were the books. I always loved to learn something new. I loved to read books about faraway places. I was a true Rory Gilmore. I can remember a time when my aunt told me I would end up being a "professional student.” And in so many ways, that prediction has come true. I guess my excitement over learning is contagious - because somehow I convinced my husband to come along with me for the ride.

So I started doing some research and we decided to start with the booklist for Ambleside Year 6 (which for most homeschooling families is somewhere around 6th or 7th grade). We have chosen to focus on History, Biography and Literature in addition to supplementing the Bible, Poetry, Art, Composer, Nature Study, and Geography that we are already using with the girls. We’re one week in, and I think I can speak for both of us when I say that we’re really loving the experience.

For history, we’re alternating between Augustus Caesar’s World and The Story of the Greeks. For Biography, we’re looking at Never Give In: The Extraordinary Character of Winston Churchill. And for Literature we’re reading The Age of Fable as well as The Hobbit. In one week - and after narrating just a few chapters (side note: have you ever tried narrating a book? It’s HARD!) - I’ve already begun to learn more about the world than I remember learning in high school. I’m piecing things together in a way I never did as a younger me. I suspect that has more to do with my age and life experiences than it does with the curriculum itself - but what I am sure of is that we were never created to stop learning. I’m excited to see where this journey takes us over the coming weeks, months, and years.

How are you educating yourself these days?

Snow Day Maple Candy

When we made the decision to stay in Massachusetts instead of moving back to Georgia, we agreed that we had to do something to embrace the change of seasons. By now ya'll know winter is the hardest for me - it's cold ... snowy ... and it consists of bundling and unbundling small children any time you have to go outside. But I'm committed to this place ... and so this Winter I've been committed to appreciating the season that we're in, and finding the good things. After all ... There is a season for everything, right? (Cue the music...)

One of the ways we've embraced Winter this year is by making a list of all the snow-day activities we want to do. Then when there's snow on the ground, we can bundle ourselves up and make some fun out of it. After all - my kids adore the snow - and I just can't imagine their little lives without it anymore. So one day this week, when we were surprised by a couple of inches of snow, we decided to take a cue from Ma and Pa in our Little House in the Big Woods book and try our hand at making Maple Candy.


As you can see here, I poured way too much maple syrup in our pie pan of snow, so then we rushed outside to add more snow, thinking that would help it solidify; but all it really did was turn it into a big pie plan of mush. We ended up with something that resembled maple snow cream ... but we did end up with a few pieces of soft taffy at the bottom. Next time I'll use less syrup and boil it a bit longer so it hardens a little more. Regardless, it was delicious, and we made a happy Winter memory - so all in all, I'd say it was a big win.