On Giving Roots ... and Wings

There comes a time when you realize that the tiny baby that changed your life forever is not a tiny baby anymore. She’s still little - she still needs mama, and she probably always will, but one day you realize she has begun her life's journey to independence.

And it totally wrecks me inside. For the last five years, all I’ve known is how to be Mama. And now, with one 5, and the other almost 3, I’m feeling like it’s time for a new identity. And that absolutely terrifies me.

I know it’s been happening in little pieces all along the way. First she started preschool. And then she dropped out. It was too hard for her … and for me too. Neither of us were ready.

And then we moved across the country. And I discovered that I wasn’t sure how to be anything really. This place we now live - it looks so different than the one where I learned to parent. Parenting has to look different here … because of the geography, because of the weather, because of the fact that we no longer live in the city. It’s been hard to find my place here … and in a lot of ways it’s been a rough road over the last 18 months. I found myself wrestling with a feeling that I needed something more than being just Mama. And yet at the same time, I wasn’t quite ready to let them go for any amounts of time - no matter how small or big.

But somewhere along the way we discovered she was ready for a little time on her own. So she started ballet. It was only 30 minutes a week, and I began to watch her go from timid and shy older toddler on that first day to incredibly excited preschooler every single week.

When she began asking about school, we discovered our homeschooling adventures just weren’t enough for her. So we started Pre-K. And she has flourished in that place more than I ever imagined she would. She thrives there. Learning, playing, discovering what it means to be independent and without Mama.

But today … today I dropped her off in a big room that was loud and full of people. She’s getting ready for her very first dance recital, and this is her first big rehearsal on the stage. Parents aren’t allowed, so I gave her a big hug and kisses, said thank you to the teachers and the teenagers who will be hanging out with them all day, and then I walked out the door.

And as I got in the car, the tears began to fall. Partly because she’s getting older and she doesn’t need me quite as much, but mostly because when I left, she was so nervous. She looked so overwhelmed with what was happening around her - like she wasn’t really ready for this, but she knew she had to be brave, so she would sit there and soak it in until someone led her somewhere else. I didn’t want to leave her like that … I wanted her to be excited - to immediately start talking to the other girls in her class … to be thrilled with what was about to happen. But instead, I saw a deer stuck in headlights look on her face. Excitement tempered by nervousness and feelings of being overwhelmed. She was so overwhelmed she didn’t even say goodbye.

It’s a damn good thing that she lathered herself in Sacred Mountain this morning, and that I did the same with Valor. Thank God it’s back in stock and a new bottle is already on it’s way to me. Because if this is what parenting is turning into … I’m going to need a vat of it in my house.

I think these feelings are part of the reason I had a deep longing to homeschool them both - a desire to just hang on to them and their littleness as long as possible. And part of me really loved those initial days of homeschool preschool. But then reality hit. Reality that I can’t give her everything she needs. The reality that this town that we now call home - it doesn’t give us the same opportunity for community the way we had in Atlanta. The reality that our community here will look different - and that public school will be a huge part of that community.

And perhaps the hardest part of all of that is admitting that I need something more. That as much as I do like teaching her and doing the homeschool thing, I also desperately need something that is for me. I desperately need the opportunity to fulfill the gifts and passions that God has placed in my heart without having to care for my children all day every day. Admitting that while my heart hurts that they are growing up and it’s time for them to do things without me, my heart is also SO looking forward to having that time to myself. Time to write and edit. Time to dream. Time to plan essential oil classes. Time to really create something incredible that has been percolating for the last year or so.

It's hard to admit that it is all okay. It is okay for me to not be their everything. It is absolutely okay that I want other adults to teach them things - while at the same time slightly wishing that it could be different. It’s okay for me to both want to be their everything and want to find myself once again.

This stage of parenting - it’s such a roller coaster. Maybe all stages of parenting are. They say it gets easier as they get older … and in so many ways that’s so true. But man - as they begin to separate from you and become their own little people with their own little minds and their own desires - it gets way more emotional.

I think of the tears in my own Mama’s eyes as I said goodbye to her right before we moved away. And I understand them more now than I ever did before. She knew in her heart that I would be okay … but she saw my own fear, my own insecurities, my own timidness and uncertainty … and she knew there was nothing she could do to make them disappear. She knew that she had to watch me do this on my own - with my family - and simply have faith that there would be people in my life that would care for me when she couldn’t.

These feelings of wanting to hold our kids close while at the same time watching them soar … they’ll never go away. And as we embark on this new journey and stage of parenting, I am encouraged by the artwork that hangs on our wall ...

There are two gifts we should give our children ... one is roots and the other is wings.

The First Day of the Rest of Her Life

One of the hardest parts of parenting is knowing when you are not enough for your kids. There comes a time when you can't give them everything that they need. A time when they need more than what you can offer, while still staying sane yourself.

That's where I am this morning. We just dropped A off at her first day of Pre-K, and drop off went swimmingly well. She was nervous - but there were no tears - and there were even a few smiles. And now I'm home with E, who's eating cereal, and I'm doing all I can to not break down into uncontrollable sobs.

Don't get me wrong ... I'm excited about the quiet time. I'm excited to have time to work on my own dreams. Excited to find my identity outside of "mom" once again. And I'm excited to have some intentional time with E ... because that hasn't happened in all of her short little life.

But man - am I feeling all the feels this morning. Pride at watching her find her name and sit in the circle of kids. So proud of her for looking through my oil bag and finding the one that would help her be brave and strong this morning. (She chose Stress Away, in case you're wondering). So proud that there were no tears, not from any of us.

Proud of myself for taking the next step towards finding community for our family here in this little town where we live. And proud of myself for putting her needs first. Because the truth is, homeschool wasn't enough for her ... not in the way that I could do it here. When I first dreamed of homeschool, I dreamed of an urban city life. A life where we could be at a museum in 5 minutes, and I could teach her as we experienced the world around us. A life where we didn't have to spend time in the car to find a solid community of other homeschoolers. A life where we could walk across the street and be at a park where there was all kinds of nature, and a playground in between. A life that just isn't feasible here. And who knows - maybe that kind of homeschool wouldn't have been enough for her anyway.

I'm feeling all kinds of sadness that she's no longer mine all of the time. Sadness that I can't make up our schedule as we go anymore. Sadness that I am no longer enough for her. I honestly am not sure I ever thought this day would come. She's always needed me so much ... she's always been such a fierce sidekick to me. It's hard to believe she needs something else too.

And yet in that pride and sadness that I'm feeling, I'm also feeling incredible gratitude. Gratitude for the adults that will become faithful adults in her life. Gratitude for the friends that she will make, who will probably teach her more than I ever could (for better or for worse). Gratitude for the community that we are destined to create here.

And although I'm realizing today that there's a whole lot more that I don't know about her ... and a whole lot more left to discover, what I do know is that she was so excited to start school. "Tomorrow is a special day, Mama!" She said to me last night before she fell asleep. "Today is a special day, dada!" she said to D this morning when she woke up.

And indeed it is.

Breakfast Ice Cream

Years ago, I never ate breakfast. I’d wake up and drink coffee – sometimes grab a muffin or bagel – but usually I’d just wait until lunch. It’s a terrible habit, I know … but I just couldn’t bring myself to eat anything when I woke up.

But when I got pregnant with A, I had to eat. I would wake up starving, but usually wasn’t able to keep anything down. I soon discovered a new love of smoothies – it seemed if it was cold and full of fruit, I could sip it slowly and get some nutrients in me.

Until she was about three, A was never a big breakfast eater either. One thing we can always get her to eat, no matter the temperature or time of day, is ice cream. After several days of her begging for ice cream for breakfast, I decided I’d make a healthy version and see if it made her happy.

The verdict? She scraped the bowl clean! We’ve made this recipe (or a variation) many times in the last couple of years. I know it’s cold outside – but a little breakfast ice cream is quite possibly the best way to start your day. If you are feeling really adventurous, you could make waffles and have breakfast ice cream on top (or on the side … depending on your preference)!

Breakfast Ice Cream

1 cup frozen blueberries
1 cup frozen mango
1 frozen banana
1 1/2 cups pomegranate kefir or vanilla yogurt
2 Tbsp vanilla rice milk

Put all ingredients in a heavy duty blender or food processor until smooth, adding your rice milk slowly. It should be the consistency of soft serve ice cream. To get to your desired consistency, add more or less rice milk. Enjoy!

NOTE: The trick to making an ice cream-like consistency is using frozen fruit. To successfully freeze bananas, take the peels off ripe bananas, break them in half, and freeze them in a single layer on a cookie sheet for 30 minutes. Then transfer to a ziplock bag or freezer-safe container and store in your freezer until you need them.